TPS Creative Writing Contest

Short Story Division

Stories can be about anything. The can be true. They can be fiction. They can be about life here in Hong Kong or about far away places in the past, present, or future.

Everyone has a story within them, and some people have thousands of ideas that just need to be written. Tell your story in the short story division of the TPS Creative Writing Contest! Below are the rules for short stories as well as links to resources to help you write a fantastic story of your own!

Submissions must be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 2500 words.  All themes and genres are welcome. 遞交作品必須最少200字、最多2500字。歡迎任何類型的主題和文體。

English short stories will be judged for: 英語短故事的評審準則:

1. Language- The use of correct grammar, punctuation, and word usage, and adherence to the conventions of English language. 語言:使用正確的文法、發音、用字、及符合英文的慣例。

2. Structure- Having a clear plot, characterization, introduction, and climax. 結構:包括結構是否清晣、角式刻劃、引入及故事高潮的安排。

3. Creativity- Originality and style. 創意:原創性及風格。

Need help?

Story Ideas: Prompts | Themes | Tips